Getting To Banda

Please bear in mind, the Banda Islands are located in a remote area of Indonesia where schedules are often flexible. Although transportation is normally reliable, there are occasional problems which may cause delays. It is advisable to avoid closely timed connections.
Direct flights are available from Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, and Bali to Ambon and may be booked in advance. Although internal flights in Indonesia are good value, be advised they do not always depart or arrive on time.

"The arduous journey in search of these small islands was amply rewarded when first I gazed upon their wondrous natural beauty. My pallet and brushes cried out to emulate what my eye in awe beheld." Johann Van Staltsberg, 1865

Flights currently depart Ambon for Banda Neira at 07:00 on Wednesday and Friday and return the same morning. The flight carries 10 to 12 passengers so tickets, normally only available at the airport, are difficult to obtain. Thanks to a long-standing relationship with the airlines and our enviable reputation, flights can usually be purchased in advance through Cilu Bentang Estate.

One fast ferry makes the run from Ambon to Banda on Tuesday and Saturday, returning Wednesday and Sunday. The voyage requires 5 to 6 hours. There are also the Pelnis and Perintis ferries and several combination cargo/passenger ships plying the route. Please consult with us for their current schedules.

Check out the latest updates concerning flight and ferry boat schedules for getting to the Banda Islands.